Winncare Axtair Automorpho® Axensor AT20

Made in France

Code(s): 1967

The Axtair Automorpho is designed for individuals at high to very high risk of pressure injuries and those who are in bed for more than 15 hours a day. It is suitable for existing pressure injuries from stage 1 to 4 in high-risk areas.
Axensor technology performs automatic and continuous calculations of inflation pressure of the alternating air mattress according to the user's morphology, position and the angle of the backrest. It has automatic data collection for peak pressure, angles of mattress sections, frequency of inflations, service needs, history, and correct use of the mattress.

Winncare Axtair Alternating air mattress range

Winncare Axtair Alternating air mattresses are a therapeutic mattress range with automatic and continuous distribution of inflation pressure according to user’s morphology and position. Provides pressure care and relief for those at medium to high risk of pressure injuries. Watch to learn more

Equipment training: Optimise comfort and pressure care with alternating air mattresses

Learn how to optimise comfort and redistribute pressure with the Winncare Axtair Automorpho alternating air mattress range.

Axtair Automorpho Axensor AT20 air mattress

Axtair Automorpho Axensor AT20 air mattress

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