A holiday message from our CEO

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Tēnā koutou to all our health partners, 

Although it’s been another disruptive year, there have been a few highlights that I’d like to share. 

The appointment of Aged Care Commissioner Carolyn Cooper early this year was a huge step forward for the sector. The mahi Carolyn is undertaking is already making an impact. We know there’s a lot more to do and we’re right behind the industry in the fight for increased funding as our elderly population and demand for complex care, continue to grow.

The establishment of Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, the Māori Health Authority, and the New Ministry for Disabled People are also significant. We have high hopes that these organisations will work together to achieve more equitable health outcomes for all New Zealanders.  

We’re under no illusion that 2023 is shaping up to be another challenging year for businesses and finding and retaining qualified health workers is an ongoing battle. We remain committed to working with you to find new and innovative ways to ease the load on your people.  

We’ve achieved a lot this year, and I wanted to share with you the progress we’ve made in three key areas: 

1. Research and development

We’ve increased our investment in R&D so we can continue to deliver more innovative solutions to help mitigate the carer shortage. This includes a range of exciting new services to help you get more value from your assets and provide world-leading care. I know the team are excited to share more with you in the New Year. 

2. Expanding our operating theatre capabilities

This year, we’ve managed several major operating theatre projects, through our Cubro Opritech brand. A favourite of which for me, included helping our friends in Fiji to open a fully integrated operating theatre. This means they are now providing free heart surgeries for Fijian children with cardiac conditions. It’s been a very special project to be part of. 

3. Enhancing our commitment to being good corporate citizens 

We’ve continued to invest in strengthening our approach to corporate and social responsibility - in particular sustainability, ethical and responsible sourcing, cultural competency, and team wellbeing. While we know there’s more mahi to do, we’re proud of the changes we’ve made so far. 

Whatever next year brings, we are ready and here to help you and your teams do their best mahi.  

And although I know healthcare doesn’t stop, I hope you get to enjoy a few days connecting with whanau and friends. 

Wishing you a safe and Happy Christmas.

Nga mihi,  
