Support guide to help the justification of overhead lifting solutions

1 minute(s) to read

We know Occupational Therapists, Physios and Clinicians are seriously busy and preparing equipment rationale can be a particularly time-consuming challenge of the role. It’s no secret that most of us prefer the practical side of our roles, rather than the paperwork so to help make life easier when it comes to preparing rationale for your client’s equipment, we’ve been putting together rationale support guides for a range of our solutions, including overhead lifting.

The guide provides user-specific information about the benefits of overhead lifting solutions and has been put together by Cubro’s team of Registered Occupational Therapists to assist clinicians in the selection and justification of equipment choices for their clients.

The support guide has been designed to help you with the funding application that you’re making on behalf of your client and the content is not intended to be a substitute for a thorough clinical assessment.

As each client has a unique set of needs, we ask that you use the relevant information from the guides to consider and support your case, rather than copying and pasting the document. 

If you're a Cubro customer, you have access to our suite of resources including the rationale support guides. To access, simply login to our website and visit our resources area.  If you're unsure what your login is, flick us an email with your name, organisation and work email address and we can assist you. 

If you need any further help with your funding application or you would like help choosing the right solution for your client, please get in touch with our friendly team.