Your complete Pressure Care toolkit

Spot, stop and share for pressure care

It's pressure injury awareness month and this year we're piping up for pressure care by sharing our knowledge with your teams, clients, patients and whanau. We know that early detection is key to preventing and treating pressure injuries, and we're committed to creating more education, training and resources to support health professionals like you.

We encourage you to talk with your teams about how you can spot and stop pressure injuries. We're also asking you to make a point of sharing the resources in this toolkit far and wide. If you'd like more training and support for your team, then please get in touch.

Watch our pressure care webinars and check out our other resources

If you're a Cubro customer, you have access to our suite of resources. Simply login to our website and visit our resources area to see more. If you're unsure what your login is, flick us an email with your name, organisation and work email address and we'll set you up.