Etac Immedia SatinSheet 4Direction bed sheet

Code(s): 66322, 66324

For a higher level of care, the Immedia SatinSheet 4Direction DrawSheet works as a complete system with the BaseSheet to assist in repositioning in four directions up/down and side to side. Featuring a satin underside and handles that can be attached to a hoist for single-handed care. 

Includes 1x Etac Immedia SatinSheet 4Direction bed sheet.
Base sheet not included.

General principles for the Immedia SatinSheet

The Etac Immedia SatinSheet System is designed to make moving a user in bed easier, whatever their ability.

Immedia SatinSheets: Moving an individual up the bed – single carer

Moving an individual up the bed with a single carer using the Immedia SatinSheet System.

Immedia SatinSheets: Turning in bed with a single carer and floor hoist

Turning in bed using the Immedia SatinSheet System with a single carer and a floor hoist.

Immedia SatinSheets: Correct posture for in-bed moving and handling

Correct posture for in-bed moving and handling when using the Immedia SatinSheet System.

How to lock off the Immedia Satin Sheet system

How to lock off the Immedia Satin Sheet system

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