Together, we're rehabilitating and supporting your clients

Partnering with Physiotherapists throughout the motu

At Cubro, we're proud to supply quality equipment and rehabilitation solutions to help you support your clients. Whether they're recovering from injury, surgery or need a helping hand to maintain their mobility, we have a range of solutions to help them get back to doing some of the things they love. From a simple walking stick right through to a hoist or wheelchair, our assistive living solutions will help keep your clients safe and give them the freedom to move. 

If you're looking for a particular solution for a client, or are keen to learn more about solutions, our team are here to help. We can also advise on funding options and applications. Give us a call today.

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Request a copy of our Physio booklet

Want to see our latest solutions? We've created this handy booklet to help Physiotherapists like you to easily view our latest mobility and rehabilitation equipment solutions. If you'd like a copy, simply fill in the form below and we'll get one out to you pronto.


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