Check out our new range of procedure chairs

Options for every type of patient

From helping patients with full immobility to supporting early mobilisation, Cubro has equipment that supports safe moving and handling for every type of patient

Meet Rod, our new equipment specialist

Why choose a procedure chair

Easy and accurate positioning

Easy and accurate positioning

Safe for both patients and staff

Safe for both patients and staff

Compact and versatile design

Compact and versatile design

Fast and simple to manoeuvre

Fast and simple to manoeuvre

Easy and accurate positioning

Easy and accurate positioning

Safe for both patients and staff

Safe for both patients and staff

Compact and versatile design

Compact and versatile design

Fast and simple to manoeuvre

Fast and simple to manoeuvre

Get in touch with our dedicated moving and handling specialist

Fill in the form to get in touch with Rod to explore how our new moving and handling equipment can help you support your patients with increased safety and comfort